Thursday, August 30, 2007

Will I ever learn?

Everybody's got a little voice, gently but persistently guiding them in the right direction, right? RIGHT??? You know, the one that says "Perhaps you should wait for the computer expert (aka your husband) to come home before attempting to fix the problem on your own?" or "Why don't you extinguish your cigarette before filling the car with gas?" (I quit years ago). Call it your inner Jiminy Cricket, the great cannoli, whatever. Over the years, various humbling and humiliating experiences have taught me to heed that inner voice.

That being said, you'd think I would have paid attention when my inner Dear said "Why don't you bring your camera before you head out today?". Nah, I thought. I don't want to become one of those people who takes a gagillion pictures of even the most trivial things and posts all of them on her blog.

But the thing is, I didn't have a trivial day yesterday. It was actually pretty great. Maxime and I went out to my cousin Jessica's new pad in Pointe-Saint-Charles, where she had a lovely lunch all prepared (spinach salad, tomato pizza, cold cuts (Prosciutto Parma, mmmmmmmmmm!!!), ice cream and strawberries). Then we walked over to a relatively new yarn shop (new to me at least, all the way out in the boonies), Mouline yarns, where she had gotten me a gift certificate for my birthday. I had a grand old time, met some new people (Hi Scott!) and left with scrumptious yarn. We then stopped at nearby Itsi Bitsi for some luscious cupcakes (who can resist a cupcake, I ask you? They're just so cute!!!).

On our way back home, we stopped at the local farmer's market (Jessica had never been) for some dinner fixins and yet more Prosciutto. I'm thinking I'm not going to be reaching my diet goals this week...

So that was my day. It was great, but there are no pictures. You'll just have to take my word for it :)

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