Friday, January 18, 2008

Screeching Halt

Anyone who's known me for a prolonged period of time knows that when anything new and exciting comes along, I get super enthusiastic about it, can't think of anything else, plan and dream about it. But then, when it comes time to actually DO it? I panic. Stumble, re-think, reconsider, refuse. Back away mumbling excuses.

Here's the deal. Phil has to go to Japan in early March for close to 2 weeks for work. When this was casually mentioned a while back, I was like "I wanna go!". I discussed it with my parents, everyone thought it was a great idea. Maxime? He'll be 10 months old, no problem. Émilie? She'll be with her grandparents, no worries there.

Now it's actually happening. He's definitely going. TO JAPAN. Far, FAR AWAY. The Super Modern Mom of the World that I was (Sure! The kids will be fine for 12 days! When do we leave?) has left the building, and been replaced with a giant, unrecognizable worry-wart (What if the plane crashes and we both die? The kids will be all alone!!!! Don't they have lots of earthquakes in Japan? What if there's a tsunami!!! Can I really do this and consider myself a responsible parent?). My nails have been bitten off, my stomach is gurgling menacingly, and my hair will probably be permanently frazzled from the constant winding around my fingers it's endured over the past few hours. What to do?????

Opportunities like this are few and far between, I know that. I just can't help but have this knee-jerk reaction to any kind of unexpected event (I'm a planner, and I react badly to changes in general).

So that's what I've been up to lately. Hemming and Hawing. Oh yeah, and I turned the heel on Phil's sock ;)


Montreal Mama said...

GO! GO! GO! Go to Japan! I'm sooo jealous girl! You have to go! They have cool yarn and knitting accessories there! You must go! LOL.I hope you go anyhow.

I can't wait to see the socks!

Keep us posted! Take the trip of a lifetime!

Maggie said...

You will love it. Can't wait to see photos. :)

Anonymous said...

I think you can do it. I think the kids can handle it. I think you might be regretful if you didn't go. I'm sure you'll come to the right decision. I can't wait to hear what it is.
(I think we'll all be supportive and understanding if you choose not to go, however..)

Ali P said...

You know what? Ten years from now when your kids are atrotious pre teens and teens and y'all are looking at Phil's photos from Japan and they ask "Why weren't YOU there Mom?" and you say "Because I loved you too much to leave.." You are gonna get such eye rollings!!!
When will you ever get a chance like this again, T? Don't be a silly puss.
PS: I went through this in May when we went to Hawaii. I am so glad I went.

Jennifer Lori said...

Yeah, yeah, we'll support you if you stay. Yes.


Japan!?!? Chance of a lifetime! Go! Eat weird things! Buy Hello Kitty yarn!

And take lots of blog-worthy photos.

Anonymous said...

After all what can aged, sickly grandparents really screw up - check it out... you made it (and not too badly we might add). Both of us are looking forward to some intense loving time with E and M, similar to the great times we spent with our other grandchildren. Don't worry the minute you pull away from the house "Bumpy and Nanny" will have already distracted them. Much love - go for it - Dad and Margot